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Date FNS Document# Title
Fueling My Healthy Life
Fueling My Healthy Life 8th Grade Materials
CACFP Cooking Video: Baked Tilapia Fish Fillets for Ages 3–5
Team Nutrition Resources: Presentations for State Agencies
Local School Wellness Policies
FNS-915 Team Nutrition Training Grants Fiscal Year 2016 Highlights
623 A Guide to Smart Snacks in School
¡Los bebés lactados son bienvenidos aquí! una guía para madres
Breastfed Babies Welcome Here! A Mother’s Guide
444, 445, 446 Serving Up MyPlate: A Yummy Curriculum
Eat Smart to Play Hard with MyPlate Mini-Poster
Aliméntate bien para jugar con ganas – afiche pequeño
Local School Wellness Policy Outreach Toolkit
Local Process: How to Develop, Implement, and Evaluate a Wellness Policy
Local School Wellness Policy: Administrative Review Process
441 Recipes for Healthy Kids: Cookbook for Schools
Dig In! Standards-Based Nutrition Education from the Ground Up
453 Dig In! At Home Parent Booklet
453 Dig In! En Casa: Folleto para Padres
632 MyPlate Guide To School Lunch
632 MiPlato para el Almuerzo Escolar
FNS-633 MyPlate Guide To School Breakfast
633 MiPlato para el desayuno escolar
FNS-863 CACFP Trainer's Tool: Milk Aid
Herramienta para el instructor del CACFP: gráfico sobre la leche
899 Serving Meats and Meat Alternates at Lunch and Supper in the USDA CACFP
Sirviendo carnes y sustitutos de carne en el almuerzo y la cena en el Programa de Alimentos para el Cuidado de Niños y Adultos del USDA
900 Offering Water in the USDA CACFP
FNS-791 Food Buying Guide Brochure
Food Buying Guide for Child Nutrition Programs
CACFP Cooking Video: Taco Seasoned Stuffed Peppers Ages 6–18
CACFP Cooking Video: Taco Seasoned Stuffed Peppers Ages 3–5
Video de cocina para el CACFP: Pimiento relleno (3–5 años)
CACFP Cooking Video: Peach and Yogurt Smoothies Ages 6–18
CACFP Cooking Video: Peach and Yogurt Smoothies Ages 3–5
CACFP Cooking Video: Parmesan Zucchini Chips Ages 6–18 with Audio Description
CACFP Cooking Video: Parmesan Zucchini Chips Ages 6–18
CACFP Cooking Video: Parmesan Zucchini Chips Ages 3–5
CACFP Cooking Video: Cheesy Bean Tostada Ages 6-18
CACFP Cooking Video: Cheesy Bean Tostada Ages 3–5
CACFP Cooking Video: Baked Carrot Fries with Yogurt-Sunflower Seed Butter Dip Age 3–5 
CACFP Cooking Video: Baked Tofu Bites Ages 6–18
CACFP Cooking Video: Baked Tofu Bites Ages 3–5
Video de cocina para el CACFP: Filetes de tilapia al horno (3–5 años)
CACFP Cooking Video: Baked Tilapia Fish Fillets Ages 6–18
Medio tiempo del CACFP: Sirviendo a los participantes adultos en el CACFP
605 This Summer, Eat Smart to Play Hard: A Parent’s Guide
Este verano, aliméntate bien para jugar con ganas: guía para padres
Serving Adult Participants in the CACFP
Start Right With Breakfast
Page updated: November 20, 2019