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Data & Research

Resource | Research and Data | General/Other National- and State-Level Estimates of WIC Eligibility and Program Reach in 2022

This report, the latest in a series of annual reports on WIC eligibility, presents 2022 national and state estimates of the number of people eligible for WIC benefits and the percents of the eligible population and the US population covered by the program, including estimates by participant category.

Resource | Research and Data | Report to Congress FDPIR - Findings from the Program Access Quick Response Survey

This report responds to a Congressional directive in the Further Consolidated Appropriations Bill of 2020, tasking the USDA FNS with studying challenges facing FDPIR in reaching underserved populations, specifically homebound and elderly individuals unable to travel to FDPIR distribution locations. The report summarizes findings from a survey of FDPIR program operators about how they serve these populations, challenges encountered, and recommendations for enhancing accessibility for the homebound and elderly.

Resource | Research and Data | Participation Characteristics CACFP Family Day Care Home Participation Study

This study examines the characteristics of current and former CACFP participants among family day care home providers using a nationally representative survey. It examines patterns of CACFP enrollment, perceptions of CACFP, challenges to participating in CACFP, and recommendations for improving the program. Former participants were defined as ones who had participated in 2019 and were no longer operating by 2023. The main reason they cited for leaving CACFP was because they were no longer operating as childcare providers.

Resource | Research and Data | Participation Characteristics CACFP Participation Among U.S. Childcare Providers

The analysis in this report uses data from the 2019 National Survey of Early Care and Education to compare the general characteristics of childcare providers, both centers and day care homes, by CACFP participation status and eligibility. The report also provides the first known estimates of provider participation rates in CACFP. The analysis also uses a follow-up data set to understand how the COVID-19 pandemic affected provider operations and CACFP participation. 

SNAP in Action Dashboard

SNAP helps put healthy food within reach for those in need. This dashboard is intended to provide the public with an understanding of how SNAP helps make nutritious food more affordable for low-income households.

Page updated: August 12, 2024