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Date FNS Document# Title
Medio tiempo del CACFP: “Servir vegetales en el CACFP”
CACFP Halftime: Serving Vegetables in the CACFP
CN Labeling Program: Update for Industry
Crediting Updates for Child Nutrition Programs: Be in the Know! Webinar Series
CACFP Trainers’ Circle: Interactive In-Person Training
The Great Garden Detective Adventure: A Standards-Based Gardening Nutrition Curriculum for Grades 3 and 4
FNS-642 Grow It, Try It, Like It! Fun with Fruits and Vegetables at Family Child Care
Crediting Vegetable Noodles and Coconut in the Child Nutrition Programs
Navigating the Food Buying Guide FBG Calculator
Medio tiempo del CACFP: Cómo usar la lista de alimentos de WIC para identificar alimentos acreditables en el CACFP
CACFP Halftime: Using the WIC Food List to Identify Creditable Foods in the CACFP
Team Nutrition Training Grant for Innovative State Training Programs Informational Webinar
Dig In! Lessons
CACFP Halftime: Identifying Whole Grain-Rich Foods in the CACFP Part 2
Medio tiempo del CACFP: “Parte 2: Identificar alimentos ricos en grano integral en el CACFP"
Trainers’ Circle Webinar: Creative Online Learning Strategies to Engage Providers
663 Serving School Meals to Preschoolers
FNS-663-S Servir comidas escolares a niños preescolares
Start Smart with Breakfast Video
CACFP Trainers’ Circle: Coaching and Mentoring
CACFP Trainers’ Circle: Coaching and Mentoring
Grain-Based Desserts in the CACFP
Medio tiempo del CACFP: Postres a base de granos en el CACFP
CACFP Halftime: Feeding Infants: Starting with Solids
Alimentación para bebés: comenzando con comidas sólidas
Webinar: Team Nutrition Cooks! Salad With Vinaigrette Dressing
Webinar: Team Nutrition Cooks! Grain Bowls
Webinar: Team Nutrition Cooks! Corn and Zucchini Pancakes
Webinar: Team Nutrition Cooks! Scrambled Eggs With Spinach
Webinar: Team Nutrition Cooks! Applesauce
Dig In! Handouts
Como puede apoyar la lactancia en el CACFP
CACFP Halftime Webinar: How to Support Breastfeeding in CACFP
CACFP Halftime Webinar: Adding Whole Grains to Your Menu
CACFP Halftime Webinar: Feeding Infants: 0-5
Alimentación para bebés de 0-5 meses
CACFP Halftime Webinar: Methods for Healthy Cooking
Métodos para cocinar sano
Webinar: FY 2018 CACFP Meal Service Training Grants for States
CACFP Meal Service Training Grants
Ofrecer Versus Servir en el Programa de Alimentos para el Cuidado de Niños y Adultos
CACFP Halftime: Offer Versus Serve in CACFP
Planificacion de comidas para el CACFP
Webinar: Food Buying Guide Goes Digital!
CACFP Halftime: Thirty on Thursday - Menu Planning
CACFP Halftime: Serving Meat and Meat Alternatives at Breakfast
Servir carne y sustitutos de carne en el desayuno
Food Buying Guide Mobile App
CACFP Halftime: Thirty on Thursdays - Serving Milk in the CACFP
Servir leche en el CACFP
Page updated: November 20, 2019