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Resource | FAQs/Q&As | FNS-GD-2013-0080 NSLP Afterschool Snack Service - FAQs

The National School Lunch Program Afterschool Snack Service is a federally-assisted snack service that provides cash reimbursement to encourage or assist schools in serving snacks to children after the regular school day. The afterschool snack component of the NSLP helps children fully engage in afterschool programming by filling the hunger gap many children face in the afternoon and early evening. Children participating in an approved afterschool care program age 18 and under, and participating children who turn 19 during the school year, are eligible to receive reimbursable snacks through the NSLP.

Resource | Policy Memos | FNS-GD-2013-0055 Extending Flexibility for RCCIs in the NSLP

On July 16, 2012, FNS issued memorandum SP 38-2012, which allowed Residential Child Care Institutions, with state agency approval, to serve the National School Lunch Program meal pattern in effect for the highest age/grade group served to all residential students.

Resource | Notices | FNS-GD-2013-0035 Special Disaster Rules for Accepting SNAP EBT Benefits for Hot Food Purchases

Due to Hurricane Sandy, and effective immediately, retail food stores licensed by FNS to accept SNAP benefits in the following counties may accept SNAP benefits in exchange for HOT foods and foods intended to be consumed on retailer premises.

Resource | Policy Memos | FNS-GD-2013-0022 Special Disaster Rules for Accepting SNAP EBT Benefits for Hot Food Purchases

Due to Hurricane Sandy, and effective immediately, retail food stores licensed by the Food and Nutrition Service to accept SNAP benefits in the following counties may accept SNAP benefits in exchange for HOT foods and foods intended to be consumed on retailer premises.

Resource | Policy Memos | FNS-GD-2013-0014 Special Disaster Rules for Accepting SNAP EBT Benefits for Hot Food Purchases

Due to Hurricane Sandy, and effective immediately, retail food stores licensed by the Food and Nutrition Service to accept SNAP benefits in the following counties may accept SNAP benefits in exchange for HOT foods and foods intended to be consumed on retailer premises:

Resource | Policy Memos | FNS-GD-2013-0005 Quarterly Reporting Associated with School Food Authority Certification for Performance-Based Reimbursement

This memorandum provides information regarding the state agencies’ quarterly reporting requirements associated with identifying the number of school food authorities certified to receive the performance-based reimbursement for each lunch served in compliance with the new meal pattern requirements for the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs.

Resource | Technical Assistance & Guidance Guidance for Accepting Processed Product Documentation for Meal Pattern Requirements

The purpose of this memorandum is to highlight common issues related to inaccurate or misleading product literature, product labels, and fact sheets; provide guidance about how product literature can be used to make purchasing decisions; and bring to your attention several sample product formulation statements (PFS) that can be used to document a product’s contribution to meal pattern requirements.

Page updated: October 14, 2021