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Date FNS Document# Title
Summer EBT/SUN Bucks Online Application
Final Rule - Child Nutrition Programs: Meal Patterns Consistent With the 2020-2025 DGAs
CACFP Breakfast Meal Pattern
CACFP Infant Meal Pattern
CACFP Snack Meal Pattern
CACFP Lunch and Supper Meal Pattern
Implementation Timeline for Updated Nutrition Requirements in School Meals
Updates to the School Nutrition Standards
Final Rule for School Meal Standards
Implementation Timeline for Updating the School Meal Standards
How We Got Here: School Nutrition Standards Final Rule
Implementation Timeline for Updated Nutrition Requirements in CACFP & SFSP
SFSP09-2024 Meal Claim Validation in the Summer Food Service Program
Establishing the Summer EBT Program and Rural Non-Congregate Option in the Summer Meals Program
Food Safety for Summer Meals - School Sites: HACCP
Food Safety for Summer Meals - School Sites: FIFO
Food Safety for Summer Meals - School Sites: Using Thermometers
Food Safety for Summer Meals - School Sites: Keeping Food Cold
Food Safety for Summer Meals - School Sites: Cleaning & Sanitizing
Food Safety for Summer Meals - School Sites: Alternative Meal Service & Distribution
Food Safety for Summer Meals - School Sites: Health & Hygiene
Food Safety for Summer Meals - School Sites: Navigating Regulations
Food Safety for Summer Meals - School Sites: Introduction
Disposición madurativa del bebé para comer alimentos sólidos
Manejo y almacenamiento de la leche materna y fórmula infantil en un sitio de cuidado infantil
Apoyando a las madres lactantes en un sitio de cuidado infantil
Identificar señales de hambre y saciedad
Descripción general del patrón de comidas para bebés en el Programa de Alimentos para el Cuidado de Niños y Adultos
Serious Deficiency Process in the CACFP and SFSP Proposed Rule
SP 14-2024 Paid Lunch Equity: Guidance for SY 2024-25
Evaluation of the USDA Summer EBT Demonstrations: Lessons Learned From More Than a Decade of Research
SUN Bucks를 신청해야 하는 가구를 위한 여름 EBT 샘플 편지
Exemple de lettre EBT d'été pour les ménages qui doivent demander des SUN Bucks
የበጋ የ EBT ናሙና ደብዳቤ ለ SUN Bucks ማመልከት ለሚያስፈልጋቸው ቤተሰቦች
자동으로 자격이 되는 자녀가 있는 가구를 위한 여름 EBT 샘플 편지
Exemple de lettre EBT d'été pour les ménages avec enfants automatiquement éligibles
በራስ ሰር ብቁ ለሆኑ ልጆች ላሏቸው ቤተሰቦች የበጋ የEBT ናሙና ደብዳቤ
여름 EBT 샘플 뉴스레터 기사
Exemple d'article du bulletin d'information EBT d'été
የበጋ ኢቢቲ ናሙና ጋዜጣ አንቀጽ
Webinar: Community Eligibility Provision 101
FNS-1010-01, FNS-1010-02, FNS-1010-03 Family Style Meal Service With Children in the CACFP Posters
FNS-1010-01, FNS-1010-02, FNS-1010-03 Afiches del Servicio de comidas al estilo familiar con niños en el CACFP
September 2023 OIG Audit Memos: Unused Reimbursement and Site Proximity
CACFP 05-2024 Implementation Guidance: State Agency Review Requirements
SFSP 07-2024, SP 13-2024 Non-Congregate Meal Service in Rural Areas Q&As
Community Eligibility Provision Fact Sheet
Serious Deficiency Process in the CACFP and SFSP
Child Nutrition Programs: Income Eligibility Guidelines (2024-2025)
SFSP 06-2024 Interim Final Rule: State agency Monitoring in the SFSP
Page updated: November 20, 2019