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Resource | Policy WIC MIS EBT Process Memo

This memorandum replaces the WIC Informational Memorandum dated Aug. 10, 2022. In particular, the USDA FNS State Systems Office (SSO) has revised the section titled Threshold for FNS Review of EBT Projects after Statewide EBT. Handbook 901 will be updated to reflect this revised guidance.

Resource | Policy Memos Procuring Local Meat, Poultry, Game and Eggs for Child Nutrition Programs

Recently, FNS has received a number of questions related to buying local meat, poultry, game, and eggs; this memorandum seeks to clarify the regulatory requirements related to food safety and answer specific questions related to these products with a series of questions and answers.

SP 01,CACFP 01, SFSP 01-2016
Resource | Grants Farm to School State Formula Grant

The FNS announces the "Farm to School State Formula Grant" established by the American Rescue Plan Act.


Resource | Technical Assistance & Guidance Procuring Local Foods

The resources on this page will help ensure child nutrition program operators have the resources and knowledge necessary to incorporate local foods into their day-to-day operations. 

Resource | Technical Assistance & Guidance Farm to School Resources

Find resources to implement, sustain and maintain your farm to school program. 

Resource | Technical Assistance & Guidance Serving Traditional Indigenous Foods in Child Nutrition Programs

FNS has a variety of resources to assist CNP operators in determining how traditional Indigenous foods may contribute toward a reimbursable meal.

Resource | Technical Assistance & Guidance Materiales de Ofrecer versus Servir

Estos materiales se pueden utilizar como herramientas para educar a los estudiantes y a los profesionales de la nutrición escolar sobre Ofrecer versus Servir (OVS, por sus siglas en inglés).

Resource | Fact Sheets Hoja de consejos de OVS para el almuerzo

Esta hoja de consejos fue diseñada para proporcionarles a los profesionales del servicio de alimentos de la escuela un resumen de las guías de Ofrecer versus Servir para el servicio de almuerzo.

Resource | Technical Assistance & Guidance Hoja de consejos de OVS para el desayuno

Esta hoja de consejos fue diseñada para proporcionarles a los profesionales del servicio de alimentos de la escuela un resumen de las guías de Ofrecer versus Servir para el servicio de desayuno.

Resource | Technical Assistance & Guidance Afiche de OVS del desayuno en la escuela intermedia/secundaria

Este afiche se utiliza para educar a los estudiantes de escuela intermedia y secundaria sobre cómo seleccionar un desayuno reembolsable bajo Ofrecer versus Servir.

Page updated: October 14, 2021