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Resource | Nutrition Education What's on your plate? Poster

Antes de comer, piense que y cuanto va a servir en el plato, taz6n o vaso.

Resource | Nutrition Education What's on your plate? Poster

Before you eat, think about what and how much food goes on your plate or in your cup or bowl.

Resource | Fact Sheets FY 22 SNAP-Ed Works

Evidence shows positive impact of SNAP-Ed in fiscal year 2022. 

Resource | Technical Assistance & Guidance Disaster Nutrition Assistance Timeline

The USDA, Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) coordinates with State agencies, Tribal Nations, and voluntary organizations as they develop disaster nutrition assistance strategies before, during, and after disasters and emergencies.

Resource | Fact Sheets Equity in FNS Disaster Nutrition Assistance Programs

USDA’s approach to tackling food and nutrition insecurity emphasizes equity to ensure our efforts serve all populations.

Resource | Fact Sheets Conozca sus derechos según el título vi

Esta hoja informativa describe las maneras en que la protección del Título VI cubre a las personas que se perciben como judías, cristianas, musulmanas, sij, hindúes, budistas o de otro grupo religioso.

Resource | Fact Sheets Know Your Rights Under Title VI

This fact sheet describes the ways Title VI protections cover individuals who are or are perceived to be Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Sikh, Hindu, Buddhist, or of another religious group.

Resource | Posters And Justice for All Posters (Guidance and Translations)

The appropriate “And Justice for All” poster is to be prominently displayed in all offices where there is a USDA presence and where it may be read by customers.

Resource | Technical Assistance & Guidance Materiales de Ofrecer versus Servir

Estos materiales se pueden utilizar como herramientas para educar a los estudiantes y a los profesionales de la nutrición escolar sobre Ofrecer versus Servir (OVS, por sus siglas en inglés).

Resource | Technical Assistance & Guidance Afiche de OVS del almuerzo en la escuela primaria

Este afiche se utiliza para educar a los estudiantes de primaria sobre cómo seleccionar un almuerzo reembolsable bajo Ofrecer versus Servir.

Page updated: October 14, 2021