DATE: | Dec. 9, 2009 |
SUBJECT: | WIC Policy Memorandum #2010 - 3 Transition Participation Reporting |
TO: | Regional Directors Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program All Regions |
This policy memorandum provides guidance in response to WIC state agency questions concerning reporting participation on the FNS-798 during the first quarter of fiscal year (FY) 2010. The WIC Financial Management and Participation Report, FNS-798, was revised to correspond with the new WIC food package participation categories. WIC state agencies were required to issue new food packages starting with food instruments issued after Oct. 1, 2010. They are also required to begin reporting on the revised FNS-798 beginning with the October 2009 (first FY 2010) report. As a result of the two and three-month issuance cycles, questions have come up concerning reporting those participants issued old package food instruments prior to Oct. 1, 2010, for their first quarter FY 2010 monthly benefit periods.
1. Do WIC state agencies have to submit two FNS-798s to report first quarter FY 2010 participation and financial activity?
No. WIC state agencies must report all FY 2010 participation and financial activity on the revised FNS-798 report. FY 2010 participation for the first quarter monthly benefit periods will be counted based on food instruments issued for both old and new food packages. All food instruments issued for the second quarter of FY 2010 are expected to be for the new food packages.
FY 2009 is the last year for which participation and financial activity will be reported on the old version of the FNS-798. A separate old version of the FNS-798 report must be submitted each month for FY 2009 participation and financial activity until FY 2009 is closed-out in February 2010.
2. Breastfeeding women were reported in one category on the old FNS-798. They are reported under two categories on the new FNS-798 (partially breastfeeding women and fully breastfeeding women). How do I report breastfeeding women issued the old food packages on the new FNS-798?
Breastfeeding women issued the old enhanced breastfeeding food package that included tuna and carrots should be reported as fully breastfeeding women on the new FNS-798. All other breastfeeding women issued food instruments should be reported as partially breastfeeding women.
3. Infants were reported in one category on the old FNS-798. They are reported in three categories on the revised FNS-798 (fully breastfed, partially breastfed, and fully formula-fed). How do I report infants issued the old food packages on the new FNS-798?
The infants should follow the category of their mothers. If the infant’s mom is reported in the fully breastfeeding women category, the infant should be reported in the fully breastfed infant category. If the infant’s mom is reported in the partially breastfeeding category, the infant should be reported in the partially breastfed infant category. All other infants issued old food instruments would be reported as fully formula fed.
The attached chart provides a visual crosswalk between the old and revised FNS-798s. Further questions or requests for clarification on reporting should be directed to the appropriate FNS regional office.
Supplemental Food Programs Division