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WIC Task Force on Supplemental Foods Delivery

The Consolidated Appropriations Act 2021 (PL 116-260) required USDA to establish a Task Force which  studied measures to streamline the redemption of WIC benefits in a manner that promotes convenience, safety, and equitable access for participants in the WIC Program. The Task Force was required to study:

  • online and telephone ordering and curbside pickup of, and payment for, WIC supplemental foods;
  • online and telephone purchasing of WIC foods;
  • home delivery of WIC foods;
  • self-checkout for purchases of WIC foods; and
  • other measures that limit or eliminate consumer presence in a physical store.

The Act limited Task Force membership to no more than 20 members and required membership from the following categories, including but not limited to: retailers of WIC supplemental foods, manufacturers of WIC foods, representatives of WIC state agencies, representatives of WIC local agencies, WIC participants and technology companies with specific experience. A maximum of 3 members from each category were allowed. The Task Force membership list is provided below.

WIC Task Force Membership
Task Force Chair:   Melinda R. Newport, MS, RD/LD, Director, Chickasaw Nation WIC
Task Force Co-Chair:   Ellen M. Thompson, Vice President, Program Modernization Consulting, Maximus, Inc.
Organization/Agency Stakeholder Category Representative Name Title
FIS (Fidelity National Information Services) Technology Co. Cary Jeffers Director of Product Government Services, EBT
Maximus, Inc. Technology Co. Ellen M. Thompson Vice President, Program Modernization Consulting and Task Force Co-Chair
GCOM - Three Sigma Technology Co. Jay Saunders Senior Director, Product Management
    Proxy if Jay Saunders was unavailable: Krushanu Majmundar HHS-Nutrition Practice Lead
Infant Nutrition Council of America (INCA, Representative of Infant Formula Manufacturers) Manufacturer Robert Rankin Executive Director
Kellogg’s Manufacturer Maria Caranfa, RDN, LDN Sr. Wellbeing and Regulatory Business Partner
Walmart Inc. Retailer James Robert (Tres)
Bailey III,
initial Walmart
and subsequently,

Hannah Walker
Senior Director,
Federal Government
Senior Director, Payments Policy & Strategy
Food Marketing Institute (Retailer Representative) Retailer Hannah Walker
- initial FMI
and subsequently,

Jennifer Hatcher
Vice President,
Political Affairs
Chief Public Policy Officer
Food City/KVAT Foods Inc. Retailer Hannah Smith Representative
First Data Corporation/FISERV Other Stakeholder Org. Angela Milroy Director, Product Management;
    Proxy if Angela Milroy was unavailable: Kimberly Ford Senior Vice President, Government Relations
National WIC Association Other Stakeholder Org. Brian Dittmeier Senior Director of Public Policy 
Electronic Funds Transfer Association (EFTA), eGovernment Payments Council Other Stakeholder Org. Kurt Helwig President and CEO
New Mexico Department of Health, Public Health Division/Family Health Bureau State Agency Sarah Flores-Sievers, BS, MPA WIC Director
North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services State Agency Mary Anne Burghardt, MS, RD, LDN WIC Director
Chickasaw Nation WIC Indian Tribal Organization Melinda R. Newport, MS, RD/LD WIC Director & Task Force Chair
Inter-Tribal Council of Nevada Indian Tribal Organization Chuck Layosa WIC Director
Southwest Region WIC (Las Cruces, NM) WIC Local Agency Candice Trujillo Southwest Regional WIC Manager
Lincoln Community Health Center (Durham, NC) WIC Local Agency Holly Branch WIC Nutrition Director/Lactation Educator
Not Shared for Privacy Purposes WIC Participant Not Shared for Privacy Purposes Not Shared for Privacy Purposes
Not Shared for Privacy Purposes WIC Participant Not Shared for Privacy Purposes Not Shared for Privacy Purposes

The Task Force kickoff meeting was conducted on March 24, 2021. The Task Force met weekly through Sept. 30, 2021. Attendance to Task Force meetings was limited to Task Force members and select USDA Food and Nutrition Service support staff.

The independent Task Force was required to submit a report to the USDA by Sept. 30, 2021 that included:

  • the results of the study required above, and
  • recommendations with respect to such results.

The Task Force submitted its report to USDA on Sept. 30, 2021. The report is provided here.

USDA Food and Nutrition Service staff solely provided support and did not participate in development of the Task Force’s recommendations and/or report.

USDA was required to submit a report to Congress which included:

  • a plan with respect to carrying out the recommendations received, and
  • an assessment of whether legislative changes are necessary to carry out such plan.

USDA submitted its report to Congress on Dec. 9, 2021. USDA notified the Task Force of the submission of its report to Congress, as required by the Act. The Congressional report is available here.

The Task Force terminated on the date the USDA submitted the report to Congress. The Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 USC App.) did not apply to the Task Force.

USDA wishes to express its gratitude to the Task Force membership, led by Chair Melinda Newport MS, RD/LD, and Co-Chair, Ellen M. Thompson, for their diligence and persistence in analyzing and studying this important issue, and submitting a timely report to the Department.

Page updated: December 10, 2021