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Notice of Supply Chain Disruption Declaration in Response to the Impact of a Tornado on Certain Mead Johnson Infant Formulas

DATE:September 18, 2024
SUBJECT:Notice of Supply Chain Disruption Declaration in Response to the Impact of a Tornado on Certain Mead Johnson Infant Formulas
TO:WIC State Agency Directors
All WIC State Agencies

This letter serves as notice to all WIC State agencies that effective Sept. 18, 2024, the Secretary of Agriculture has declared that a Supply Chain Disruption, as defined in 42 USC 1786(b)(24) and 7 CFR 246.2, exists in certain non-contract WIC State agencies where the ability of participants to obtain their prescribed Mead Johnson formulas is impacted due to limited stock. On July 9, 2024, a destructive tornado hit Mount Vernon, Indiana causing substantial damage to a Mead Johnson distribution center. Mead Johnson notified state agencies with Mead Johnson infant formula rebate contracts that there may continue to be some temporary impacts on the supply of certain products due to product losses caused by this tornado.

State agencies without Mead Johnson infant formula rebate contracts may also experience significant impacts on the ability of participants prescribed the affected Mead Johnson formulas to obtain these formulas due to limited stock within each state agency’s jurisdiction, creating the supply chain disruption at issue.

Pursuant to the authority granted under 42 USC 1786(s) and 7 CFR 246.29(b)(2)(ii), FNS will consider waiver requests from affected state agencies. This supply chain disruption is in place through Oct. 16, 2024.


Diane Kriviski
Associate Administrator
Supplemental Nutrition and Safety Programs

Page updated: September 19, 2024