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Privacy Act of 1974; Proposed New System of Records

The FDP will replace the current TIP system, which was developed in fiscal year (FY) 2005 and has had no major upgrades since FY 2009. Although TIP exceeds industry standards for the software development life cycle, the current data structure and reporting interface make it difficult to conduct the meaningful data analysis necessary to provide effective federal oversight of WIC.

The data collected in TIP is critical to providing effective federal oversight of the WIC program because the information informs FNS on state agency performance regarding vendor training, compliance, monitoring and sanctions. TIP data may also be used by state agencies to assess trends in vendor compliance and identify areas for additional training and oversight.

FDP will include functionality that will improve program oversight and integrity in all areas of WIC vendor management, as well as address gaps found in the 2013 Office of Inspector General (OIG) audit. OIG found that two of the three state agencies that OIG visited were not properly monitoring and sanctioning vendors. FDP will collect monitoring and sanctioning information to enable FNS oversight of those activities. FDP will also reduce security risks, facilitate streamlined data collection methods, and utilize data analytics for early detection of fraudulent activities or state agency noncompliance.

Consistent with USDA's information sharing mission, information stored in FDP may be shared with other USDA components, as well as appropriate federal, state, local, tribal, foreign, or international government agencies. This sharing will only take place after USDA determines that the receiving component or agency has a need to know the information to carry out national security, law enforcement, immigration, intelligence, or other functions consistent with the routine uses set forth in this System of Records Notice.

FDP will replace TIP as the system used to house state agency data for the WIC program. The information housed in FDP will be critical to providing effective federal oversight because the information informs FNS on state agency performance regarding vendor training, compliance, monitoring, and sanctions. FDP will improve program oversight and integrity in vendor management as well as addressing gaps found in the 2013 OIG audit report. FDP will also reduce security risks, facilitate streamlined data collection methods, and utilize data analytics for the early detection of fraudulent activities regarding state agency noncompliance.

Page updated: October 08, 2021