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Final Rule - Coordination Rule: Mandates of the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 1989

Publication Date
Resource type
Final Rule

This final rule amends regulations governing the Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) to comply with the mandates of sections 123 and 213 of the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 1989 (PL 101-147) enacted on Nov. 10, 1989. This final rule contains both funding and non-funding provisions.

The major non-funding provisions in this final rule include:

  • Extending adjunct or automatic income eligibility to certain family members;
  • enhancing outreach efforts and program access;
  • defining breastfeeding and establishing breastfeeding promotion activities;
  • referring and providing participants with information about other health and welfare programs;
  • permitting state agencies the option to establish alternative means of issuing food instruments, such as mailing them to participants; and,
  • reducing the frequency with which state agencies must review their local agencies.

This final rule also incorporates other legislative mandates, such as, government-wide debarment and suspension (non-procurement) requirements, a drug-free workplace, and new restrictions on lobbying.

Page updated: January 26, 2024