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Signature Block Removal from Summary End Product Data Schedules

DATE:Nov. 10, 2016
POLICY MEMO:FD-140: Processing
SUBJECT:Signature Block Removal from Summary End Product Data Schedules

The purpose of this memorandum is to clarify state distributing agency (SDA) requirements related to approval of end product data schedules (EPDS) and summary end product data schedules (SEPDS) and provide an explanation for the removal of signature blocks from the SEPDS A and B templates. The American Commodity Distribution Association (ACDA) developed EPDS and SEPDS templates, with input from the USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), for processors to provide information on approved end products to allow such end products to be sold within the state under the National Processing Program. Although the SEPDS templates contain signature blocks for the processor, state distributing agency (SDA), and FNS, there are no regulatory requirements for any of the stakeholders to sign either the SEPDS or EPDS templates.

The ACDA Processing Forms Sub-Committee recommended the removal of the signature blocks from the SEPDS A and B templates in an effort to streamline required processes under the National Processing Program. The ACDA templates, which will be available in School Year 2018, will no longer contain signature blocks for any of the stakeholders. SDAs are still responsible, however, for approving or denying processed end products containing donated foods in their states.

Guidance on approval requirements related to EPDS and SEPDS can be found in Policy Memoranda FD-127, “Approval of End Products and Monitoring of End Product Sales,” and FD-030, “National Approval of End Product Data Schedules.” SDAs must approve SEPDS, as well as EPDS of in-state processors for products other than beef, pork, and poultry. SDAs may show approval or denial of processed end products containing donated foods in their states by modifying state Participation Agreements, as needed.

Questions or comments on this memorandum should be directed to the NPA mailbox at

Laura Castro
Food Distribution Division

Page updated: January 05, 2024

The contents of this guidance document do not have the force and effect of law and are not meant to bind the public in any way. This document is intended only to provide clarity to the public regarding existing requirements under the law or agency policies.