The United States Department of Agriculture is working with state child nutrition agencies to provide safe and flexible meal service to children during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Under nationwide non-congregate feeding and meal time waivers, state agencies may allow school food authorities to provide more than one day’s worth of meals to eligible children via a single meal pick-up or delivery. This publication provides considerations, tips, best practices, and sample menus for National School Lunch Program: Seamless Summer Option operators who wish to distribute multiple meals at one time.
This publication may be printed and shared with state agency staff, program operators and stakeholders, and community members.
These are available for schools, CACFP providers, sponsoring organizations, and state agencies that participate in or administer one of USDA’s child nutrition programs. All are welcome to download these materials and make copies. To download the file, please right-click on the link and "save link as."