The USDA child nutrition programs’ Professional Standards Training Tracker Tool (PSTTT) is designed to assist school nutrition professionals in keeping track of their annually required training hours. The PSTTT is a voluntary and free web-based tool which provides easy navigation and user-friendly timesaving features including:
- Creating a user profile and editing to update job title, user role, and organization (i.e., state, district, or school).
- Auto-populating school or state agency information.
- Adding, editing, and deleting training records and uploading supporting documents.
- Auto-populating training information into training records.
- Printing a certificate of completion.
- Auto-sending bi-annual reminder notification to complete annual training requirements.
- Earning training reward badges for completed training.
- Accessing step-by-step training videos on the ‘Help’ tab.
- Viewing and printing summary reports, including those employees with no logged trainings.
- Logging certifications with an expiration date and automatic reminder emails.
Additional manager/director controls allow for:
- Adding, editing, and deactivating employee profiles.
- Uploading multiple employees’ information to easily create user profiles at one time.
- Including employee ID numbers in employee profiles (optional).
- Adding, editing, and deleting training records and uploading supporting documents for multiple employees at the same time.
- Uploading multiple new training titles and training information at one time to be included on the PSTTT training list.
- Maintaining training records and uploading supporting documents for each employee.
- Uploading multiple training records for all employees at one time.
- Uploading past employee training records at one time to be included on employees' training history.
- Filtering employee training records by schools.
- Printing certificate of completion for all employees.
- Adding new schools and editing school information in their district.
School Director users have extra features that allow for:
- Adding a new district and editing district information in the PSTTT database.
- Requesting enhanced access if responsible for managing multiple districts.
- Requests should be sent to cnpntab@usda.gov.
Additional state agency users controls allow for:
- Viewing and printing summary reports for all schools in their state.
- Filtering school director, manager, and employee training records by districts and schools in their state.