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CACFP Meal Pattern Training Worksheets

Resource type
Training and Outreach
Resource Materials

These worksheets can be used to empower Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) providers with the knowledge, skills, and expertise to implement CACFP meal pattern requirements. All worksheets are now available in English and Spanish.


Grain-Based Desserts in the CACFP
Grain-Based Desserts in the CACFP

Grains Ounce Equivalents

Using Ounce Equivalents for Grains in the CACFP
Using Ounce Equivalents for Grains in the CACFP
Feeding Infants Using Ounce Equivalents for Grains in the CACFP
Feeding Infants Using Ounce Equivalents for Grains in the CACFP
 Calculating Ounce Equivalents of Grains in the CACFP
Calculating Ounce Equivalents of Grains in the CACFP
Crediting Single-Serving Packages of Grains in the CACFP
Crediting Single-Serving Packages of Grains
Determining Ounce Equivalents of Grains in CACFP Recipes
Determining Ounce Equivalents of Grains in CACFP Recipes

Whole Grain Rich

Adding Whole Grains to Your CACFP Menu

Adding Whole Grains to Your CACFP Menu

How to Spot Whole Grain-Rich Foods for the CACFP

How to Spot Whole Grain-Rich Foods for the CACFP

Identifying Whole Grain-Rich Foods For the CACFP

Identifying Whole Grain-Rich Foods For the CACFP

Is My Recipe Whole Grain-Rich in the CACFP?

Is My Recipe Whole Grain-Rich in the CACFP?

Using the WIC Food Lists to Identify Grains for the CACFP

Using the WIC Food Lists to Identify Grains for the CACFP



 Crediting Store-Bought Combination Baby Foods in the CACFP

Crediting Store-Bought Combination Baby Foods in the CACFP

Feeding Infants Using Ounce Equivalents for Grains in the CACFP

Feeding Infants Using Ounce Equivalents for Grains in the CACFP

Reducing the Risk of Choking in Young Children at Mealtimes

Reducing the Risk of Choking in Young Children at Mealtimes

Meal Service and Menu Planning

Methods for Healthy Cooking

Methods for Healthy Cooking

Offer Versus Serve in the CACFP

Offer Versus Serve in the CACFP

 Offering Water in the USDA CACFP

Offering Water in the CACFP

Reducing the Risk of Choking in Young Children at Mealtimes

Reducing the Risk of Choking in Young Children at Mealtimes

Serving Adult Participants in the USDA CACFP

Serving Adults Participants in the CACFP

Serving Snacks in the CACFP

Serving Snacks in the CACFP

Using the Nutrition Facts Label in the CACFP

Using the Nutrition Facts Label in the CACFP


Meats/Meat Alternates

Serving Meats and Meat Alternates at Breakfast
Serving Meats and Meat Alternates at Breakfast


Serving Meats and Meat Alternates at Lunch and Supper in the USDA CACFP
Serving Meat and Meat Alternates at Lunch and Supper




Serving Milk in the CACFP
Serving Milk in the CACFP

Sugar Limits

Choose Breakfast Cereals That Are Lower in Sugar

Choose Breakfast Cereals That Are Lower in Sugar

Choose Yogurts That Are Lower in Sugar

Choose Yogurts That Are Lower in Sugar

Calculating Sugar Limits for Breakfast Cereals in the CACFP

Calculating Sugar Limits for Breakfast Cereals in the CACFP

Calculating Sugar Limits for Yogurt in the CACFP
Calculating Sugar Limits for Yogurt in the CACFP


Serving Vegetables in the CACFP
Serving Vegetables in the CACFP
Page updated: June 12, 2024