Grow It, Try It, Like It! Nutrition Education Kit featuring MyPlate is a garden-themed nutrition education kit for child care center staff that introduces children to: three fruits - peaches, strawberries, and cantaloupe, and three vegetables - spinach, sweet potatoes, and crookneck squash.
The kit includes seven booklets featuring fruits and vegetables with fun activities through the imaginary garden at Tasty Acres Farm! It also has a CD-ROM with supplemental information and a DVD with Cool Puppy Pup's picnic and lunch parties. Each set of lessons contains: hands-on activities, planting activities, and nutrition education activities that introduce MyPlate.
Use the kit to promote learning at home with fun parent/child activities and family-sized recipes that give tips for cooking with children.
Ordering: Print copies are available in English. Child nutrition program operators may request printed copies of this resource, while supplies last.
All are welcome to download these materials and make copies. To download the files, please right-click on the link and select "save link as."