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Sample Proof of Participation Letter

Sample Proof of Participation Letter

(On letterhead from the TEFAP state agency or EFO)


Dear Grant Officer,

I certify that (Applicant EFO name) has a current agreement with (state agency or EFO) and currently participates in the Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP), and has participated in TEFAP since at least September 30, 2009. I certify that (Applicant EFO) is an emergency feeding organization as described in the Emergency Food Program Infrastructure Grants Request for Application. I further certify that, to the best of my knowledge, (Applicant EFO) is currently in compliance with all applicable federal, state and local regulations and policies, and that there are no material concerns or unresolved significant findings from reviews, audits, or other regulatory assessments pertinent to TEFAP for (Applicant EFO).

I certify that I am a representative of (1) the state agency that administers TEFAP, or (2) an emergency feeding organization that has an agreement with the state agency that administers TEFAP and that agreement authorizes this organization to distribute TEFAP foods and/or administration funds to other emergency feeding organizations with which we have a signed TEFAP agreement. I may be reached at (phone) or (e-mail) if you have any questions.



Page updated: January 15, 2020