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SNAP Legislative History - 60s

Click on each Public Law (PL) number to see a summary of the laws. Information concerning each Public Law is also located at the Library of Congress.

  • Only six food stamp bills introduced.
  • Jan. 21: Kennedy issued an Executive Order initiating FSP pilot projects funded through Section 32 funds. Participants purchased coupons of a higher value than their cash contribution and used the coupons to purchase food at retail stores. Program purchases not limited to surplus commodities.
  • Feb. 2: Kennedy announced the initiation of pilot program in eight project areas.
  • March 16: Kennedy's farm message to Congress reported on progress of pilot programs.
  • May 29: Mr. and Mrs. Muncy of West Virginia bought the first food stamps since 1943.
  • Kennedy asks for more money for pilot project. 56 new projects planned.
  • Jan. 31: Kennedy asks for legislation authorizing a permanent FSP.
  • Jan. 31: Johnson renewed request for permanent FSP.
  • Aug. 31: PL 88-525 - The Food Stamp Act of 1964

Child Nutrition Act of 1966 PL 89-642 (Oct. 11, 1966)

  • Field Foundation Report on Poverty and Malnutrition; press, hunger coalitions; movie "Hunger in America;" all raised public awareness concerning need.
  • Increased appropriations for all food programs. FSP expanded.
  • May 27: FNS formed to coordinate child and adult food programs.
Page updated: March 07, 2024