This is a revision of a currently approved information collection for Pandemic EBT (P–EBT) for the reporting burden associated with administering P–EBT. This revision is limited in nature and only includes collection activities essential to facilitating the orderly wind-down and close-out of the P–EBT program.
Written comments must be received on or before Nov. 27, 2023.
With the expiration of the COVID–19 public health emergency (PHE) on May 11, 2023, states will not receive approval for operational plans submitted after federal FY 2023 (i.e., Sept. 30, 2023), although states may issue some benefits retroactively to households after Sept. 30, 2023, based on prior plan approvals. However, FNS proposes an extension for limited elements of the currently approved information collection to facilitate the orderly wind-down and close-out of the P–EBT program.
Once operational plans are approved, each state SNAP agency will also be required to provide monthly reports via the FNS–292B (Disaster Relief) to the FNS regional office, regarding the number of eligible children receiving P–EBT benefits, number of households receiving such benefits, and the total value of the benefits.