This notice invites the general public and other public agencies to comment on the proposed information collection for the Annual State Report of Verification of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Participation.
This is a revision of a currently approved information collection request. The purpose of the Annual State Report of Verification of SNAP Participants is to ensure that no person who is deceased, or has been permanently disqualified from SNAP, improperly received SNAP benefits for the fiscal year preceding the report submission. Section 4032 of the Agricultural Act of 2014 is the basis for this collection.
Section 4032 mandates that states will “submit to the Secretary a report containing sufficient information for the Secretary to determine whether the state agency has, for the most recently concluded fiscal year preceding that annual date, verified that the state agency in that fiscal year (1) did not issue benefits to a deceased individual; and (2) did not issue benefits to an individual who had been permanently disqualified from receiving benefits.”
An email from each state agency to the corresponding Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) regional SNAP program director containing the answers to the above questions will be used as the mechanism for state agencies to report their compliance with the Agriculture Act of 2014.
Supplementary Information:
SNAP regulations at 7 CFR 273.16 require that state agencies disqualify an individual who has committed an intentional program violation (IPV). Paragraph 7 CFR 273.16(e)(8) requires that these individuals “be disqualified in accordance with the disqualification periods and procedures in paragraph (b) of this section” (273.16(b)). Paragraph 7 CFR 273.16(i) requires state agencies to report information concerning each individual disqualified for an IPV to the disqualified recipient database, the electronic Disqualified Recipient System (eDRS), and to use eDRS data to determine the eligibility of individual applicants prior to certification.
SNAP regulations at 7 CFR 272.14 require that each state agency establish a system to verify and ensure that benefits are not issued to individuals who are deceased, and that data source is the Social Security Administration's (SSA) Death Master File. The information required for the Annual State Report on Verification of SNAP Participation is obtained by validating that the state had the appropriate systems in place and followed procedures currently mandated at 7 CFR 272.14 and 7 CFR 273.16 for the preceding fiscal year.
The burdens associated with establishing a system to verify and ensure that benefits are not issued to deceased individuals or those permanently disqualified from SNAP using both the SSA Death Master File and eDRS are already approved under OMB burden number 0584-0064, expiration date Aug. 31, 2021. Upon OMB approval of the renewal of the information collection for 0584-0605, FNS intends to merge the hours associated with 0584-0605 into OMB Control Number 0584-0083, expiration 08/31/2023.
In order to meet the reporting requirements specified in section 4032 of the Act, states are required to confirm via email to their FNS regional SNAP program director that in the immediately preceding federal fiscal year, they had the appropriate systems in place to meet the requirements of regulations at 7 CFR 272.14 and 273.16(i)(4) and that they conducted the matches required by these regulations.
States are required to submit their section 4032 reports to the FNS regional SNAP director by March 31 each year for the preceding Federal fiscal year. The estimated annual burden for this collection is 57.4255 hours. This estimate includes the time it takes each state agency to confirm that they have complied with FNS regulations for performing mandated checks against both eDRS and the SSA Death Master File, send an email to their FNS regional office SNAP program director to provide the verification, and any additional recordkeeping associated with this burden. States must perform this verification once a year and must retain these records for 3 years.