FNS is conducting this study to identify and document best practices in D-SNAP planning and operations from across the country and for a variety of disaster types. The project will give FNS a better understanding of what works when states implement D-SNAP to provide better direction to states when developing plans and implementing the program. FNS has identified five objectives for this study:
1. Assess the implementation and operation of D-SNAP for selected disaster(s) in each study state.
2. Describe the characteristics and economic circumstances of the D-SNAP households for the selected disaster(s).
3. Document each state's approach to protecting program integrity while operating D-SNAP for the selected disaster(s).
4. Determine best practices for developing annual disaster plans to address a variety of disaster types.
5. Determine best practices for implementing and operating D-SNAP for a variety of disaster types.
The study will gather data through extant administrative SNAP caseload data (already approved under OMB Control Number: 0584-0064; Expiration Date: 07/31/2020; and under OMB Control Number: 0584-0037; Expiration Date: 02/28/2021), document review, and site visits to five states.
The study will focus on 10 recent county or local government administered D-SNAPs across the 5 study states. Each site visit will include interviews with staff at (1) the state SNAP agency, (2) the county SNAP office (if SNAP is county-administered), (3) one local SNAP office near the D-SNAP site, and (4) relevant stakeholders that supported the D-SNAP (e.g., community-based organizations, SNAP retailers). The study team will also seek to interview any former state staff who were closely involved with D-SNAP planning and operations for the relevant disasters. These data will provide information on D-SNAP planning, operations, challenges, best practices, and lessons learned.
SNAP administrative caseload data about SNAP participants will be used to examine the characteristics and economic circumstances of D-SNAP households and estimate the economic impact in the affected areas. In some cases, state SNAP offices staff may be asked to provide documentation related to the D-SNAP(s), such as promotional or training materials. These documents will inform the site visits and provide further information on D-SNAP planning and operations. The data collected will be kept private. It will not be shared with anyone outside the study team and FNS research and administrative staff.