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SNAP - Employment and Training Subsidized Work-Based Learning Activities

Resource type
Policy Memos
Guidance Documents
Resource Materials
PDF Icon Policy Memo (388.91 KB)
DATE: November 17, 2021
SUBJECT: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) – Employment and Training Subsidized Work-Based Learning (SWBL) Activities
TO: All SNAP State Agencies
All Regions

As a result of changes made by the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 and codified by the final rule, Employment and Training Opportunities in SNAP (86 FR 358), state agencies are permitted to use SNAP Employment and Training (E&T) funds to provide subsidized wages to SNAP participants in work-based learning (WBL) activities. In addition, state agencies are also allowed to offer work-based learning activities where wages of participants are not subsidized, or where wages are subsidized by non-E&T funds (i.e., wages are subsidized by other federal, state, or local dollars and no reimbursement for wages is requested from SNAP E&T funds). The following provides guidance to state agencies implementing work-based learning activities as part of the state E&T program where participant wages are subsidized including programs where wage subsidies are not reimbursed with federal E&T funds (E&T funds). These activities will be collectively referred to as subsidized work-based learning (SWBL) activities.

This guidance is designed to help state agencies implement SWBL activities that meet the intent of a subsidized wage program within the broader SNAP E&T program. FNS will examine SWBL activities closely to ensure programs comply with the requirements at 7 CFR 273.7(e)(2)(iv) and are improving participants’ employability while moving participants toward better jobs. To this end, FNS will examine state outcome and other data pertaining to SWBL implementation. SWBL activities that do not improve employability or lead to better job outcomes may be disallowed.

Page updated: July 14, 2022