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Extension of Food Stamp Income Exclusion - Deployment to a Combat Zone

EO Guidance Document #
Resource type
Policy Memos
Guidance Documents
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DATE:January 18, 2008
SUBJECT:Extension of Food Stamp Income Exclusion - Deployment to a Combat Zone
TO:All Regional Directors
Food Stamp Program

The FY 2005 Appropriations Bill for the Department of Agriculture included a provision which excluded from consideration as income in the Food Stamp Program additional pay received by military personnel as a result of deployment to a combat zone. This provision has been extended. The precise language is set forth below.

Provided further, That notwithstanding section 5(d) of the Food Stamp Act of 1977, any additional payment received under chapter 5 of title 37, United States Code, by a member of the United States Armed Forces deployed to a designated combat zone shall be excluded from household income for the duration of the member's deployment if the additional pay is the result of deployment to or while serving in a combat zone, and it was not received immediately prior to serving in the combat zone

We issued an implementation memorandum on Jan. 14, 2005,which provided guidance on the income exclusion. The memorandum with the subject, "The Consolidated Appropriations Act 2005, PL 108-447 Food Stamp Household Income Exclusion Provision," is posted on the Partner Website.

The FY 2008 Consolidated Appropriations Bill (PL 110-161) signed Dec. 26, 2007, includes the above cited language from the FY 2005 Appropriations Bill. The President's FY 2008 budget request also contains a provision that would make the policy permanent. Therefore, state agencies should continue to exclude from food stamp income additional pay received by military personnel as a result of deployment to a combat zone using the guidance provided in the Jan. 14, 2005, implementation memorandum.

Patrick Waldron
Certification Policy Branch
Program Development Division

Page updated: June 20, 2024

The contents of this guidance document do not have the force and effect of law and are not meant to bind the public in any way. This document is intended only to provide clarity to the public regarding existing requirements under the law or agency policies.