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American Recovery and Reinvestment Act State Administrative Funding Charts for FY 2010

DATE: August 13, 2009
SUBJECT: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act State Administrative Funding Charts for FY 2010
TO: Regional SNAP Program Directors

On March 6, 2009, FNS allocated the fiscal year (FY) 2009 funds under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009. This is to allocate the funds for FY 2010. As directed by the ARRA, the 2010 allocations are being made by following the FY 2009 methodology and calculations are based on the same participation time frame (12 months ending November 2008). The Act provides for $150 million in FY 2010. Four million will be reserved for FNS expenses for management and oversight, and monitoring the integrity and evaluation of the stimulus changes. The remaining $146 million is being allocated to the states for FY 2010.

  • Attached is the stimulus allocation chart showing the allocation amount; this chart may be shared with your states.
  • A second stimulus calculation chart is attached and shows the intermediate and final calculations; this chart is intended for your use in answering questions from states should they wish to understand the details behind their allocation.

These funds are intended for use in administering SNAP. Distribution of funds will be based on this allocation table.

Karen J. Walker
Program Accountability and Administration Division


Page updated: January 31, 2023

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