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Rural Transportation Grants

EO Guidance Document #
FNS Document #
SFSP 02-2006
Resource type
Policy Memos
Guidance Documents
Resource Materials
PDF Icon Policy Memo (50.63 KB)
PDF Icon State Project List (15.28 KB)
DATE: December 19, 2005
SUBJECT: Summer Food Service Program Rural Transportation Grants
TO: Special Nutrition Programs
All Regions

This memo announces the selection of five states to receive SFSP Rural Transportation Grants.

The Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 (PL 108-265) provided $4 million over three years (FY 06–08) to establish Rural Transportation Grants for the SFSP. The Food and Nutrition Service conducted a competitive grant process and has selected 5 states representing 30 service institutions to receive grants. The successful states include Mississippi, New York, Oregon, Texas and West Virginia.

Of the successful service institutions, 18 are school districts and 12 are community-based organizations. About half of the organizations will transport children in rural areas to existing meal sites. The others will transport food to new sites in isolated communities. Some of the service institutions plan to provide meals to faith-based sites.

We anticipate minimal impact on regional offices with oversight of the awarded states. Routine management evaluations should include inquiries about implementation of the grants by the selected states; however affected regions are not expected to conduct additional reviews of the states or sponsors and their sites. If you are able to incorporate a visit to one or more of the awarded service institutions into the regular course of your oversight activities, we encourage you to observe the project operation and share your impressions with the appropriate HQ program staff.

Affected regions will receive a packet of additional information regarding the approved projects.

Child Nutrition Division

Page updated: March 21, 2023

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