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Eligibility for Donated Foods to Camps in the Summer Food Service Program

FNS Document #
FNS Instruction 770-3
Resource type
Guidance Documents
Resource Materials
PDF Icon FNS Instruction (121.94 KB)

This Instruction is to establish the policy for distributing donated foods to camps participating in the Summer Food Service Program.

PL 95-166 (to amend the National School Lunch Act and the Child Nutrition Act of 1966) states that "camps that satisfy all other eligibility requirements of this section (NSLA, Section 13) shall receive reimbursement only for meals served to children who meet the eligibility requirements for free or reduced-price meals, as determined under this Act and the Child Nutrition Act of 1966." However, commodities will be donated, as authorized in the pertinent statutes, based on the total meals served to children attending such camps, i.e., total participation (needy and non-needy children).

It is recognized that the distribution of donated foods to camps is rather unique due to limited availability of certain commodities, various logistical problems, and the generally small number of recipients per site. The types and amounts of foods donated will be dependent, of course, upon the availability of foods at this particular time (summer) of the distribution year. As with other institutions, only self-preparation camps will be eligible for commodities-

Since camps which participate in the Summer Food Service Program are eligible to receive commodities under Part 225, they may not also receive commodities under Part 250 (Food Distribution Regulations).

Page updated: June 14, 2024