This memorandum provides the FY 2024 Cost-of-Living Adjustments to the SNAP maximum allotments, income eligibility standards, and deductions. Under the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008, COLAs are effective as of Oct. 1, 2023.
The purpose of this memorandum is to advise state agencies on the steps FNS will take to monitor and engage state agencies with poor SNAP initial application processing timeliness rates.
This memorandum provides guidance to TEFAP state agencies on how to submit proposed amendments to their TEFAP state plans as discussed in existing regulations.
The SNAP E&T Plan Handbook provides guidance to state agencies administering and operating the SNAP E&T program on how to prepare and submit their annual plan to FNS for approval.
This memorandum addresses confusion from the Aug. 21, 2019, memorandum Information from Third Party Payroll Sources, clarifying how information from third party payroll databases may be used for SNAP certification and quality control purposes.
This guidance clarifies how the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program may use information it receives from other public assistance programs that are part of the same state agency.
This memorandum provides information to assist Indian Tribal Organizations (ITO) in preparing to implement Summer EBT.
On June 3, 2023, the President signed into law the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023. This memo describes the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program provisions of that Act.
FNS regulations require state agencies to implement CAPs when a payment error rate is six percent or greater, a case and procedural error rate is above the national average, and five percent or more of the state’s QC caseload is coded as incomplete. This document outlines regulatory procedures for these CAPs to ensure consistency and emphasis on improving state payment accuracy.
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act suspended the time limit and work requirement for able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWDs) until July 1, 2023. This memorandum discusses requirements for state agencies related to notifying households about the ABAWD time limit and work requirement before ABAWDs become subject to the time limit again.