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Resource | Research and Data | Participation Characteristics Estimates of Nonparticipation Rates of Medicaid and SNAP Beneficiaries in WIC

​This report responds to House Report 117-82, which directs the USDA to publish state-level estimates of the percentage of pregnant women, infants, and children under age five participating in FNS’s SNAP or in Medicaid but not participating in WIC.   

Resource | Report to Congress | Food Security USDA Nutrition Education Coordination Report to Congress, FY 2021

USDA's nutrition assistance programs touch the lives of one in four American consumers annually and the nutrition education efforts associated with select programs offer a powerful opportunity to promote food security and improve dietary quality among eligible individuals and families.

Resource | Report to Congress Report on the WIC Task Force on Supplemental Foods Delivery

The following report addresses actions taken by FNS to comply with the Consolidated Appropriations Act 2021 which directed USDA to establish a Task Force to study measures to streamline the redemption of WIC benefits in a manner that promotes convenience, safety, and equitable access to WIC supplemental foods for participants in the WIC program.

Resource | Research and Data | Report to Congress Reviewing the Evidence for Maternal Health and WIC

This report addresses actions taken by the Food and Nutrition Service to comply with the Consolidated Appropriations Act 2021 (PL 116-260, HR 116-446), which directs USDA to conduct a review of existing evidence and develop a plan to explore how participation in WIC is associated with maternal mortality, with emphasis on the needs of disadvantaged communities of color.

Resource | Research and Data | Food/Nutrient Analysis Review of WIC Food Packages: Improving Balance and Choice

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine  convened an expert committee to review and assess the nutritional status and food and nutritional needs of the WIC-eligible population and provide recommendations based on its review and grounded in the most recently available science. The committee produced three reports as part of this task. 

Resource | Report to Congress A Report to Congress – Executive Summary

This report responds to a Congressional mandate for FNS to establish a long-range plan for the development and implementation of state agency Management Information Systems in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children.

Resource | Report to Congress Food Assistance: Research Provides Limited Information on the Effectiveness of Specific WIC Nutrition Services

This report (1) identifies the number and nature of recent studies that have examined the effectiveness of three WIC services—nutrition education, breastfeeding promotion and support, and referral services—and (2) summarizes what the research shows about the effectiveness of these specific nutrition services. 

Resource | Report to Congress Planning for WIC's Future Technology Needs: A Report to Congress

This report responds to a Congressional mandate for the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) to establish a long-range plan for the development and implementation of state agency Information Systems (IS) in the WIC program. In the development of this plan, FNS reviewed state agency system capabilities and consulted with the National WIC Association as well as systems experts. The WIC 5-Year Technology Plan included in this Report to Congress outlines the Agency’s goals, objectives, and strategies to address the current and future needs of WIC systems.

Resource | Report to Congress Food Assistance: Performance Measures for Assessing Three WIC Services

GAO Report to Congressional Committees on Food Assistance: Performance Measures for Assessing Three WIC Services

Resource | Report to Congress Food Assistance: Financial Information on WIC Nutrition Services and Administrative Costs

GAO Report to Congressional Committees on Food Assistance: Financial Information on WIC Nutrition Services and Administrative Costs

Page updated: October 14, 2021