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Resource | Policy Notice of Extended Supply Chain Disruption Declaration in Response to the Continued Impact of Limited Availability of Gerber Infant Formulas

This letter serves as notice to all WIC state agencies that effective Aug. 6, 2024, the Secretary of Agriculture has reaffirmed that a supply chain disruption exists in WIC state agencies with Gerber infant formula contracts.

Resource | Guidance Documents WIC Caseload Management and Cost Savings Strategies

The purpose of this letter is to summarize existing WIC caseload management policies and ensure WIC state agencies' share a common understanding of allowable caseload management strategies in the event the WIC program experiences funding constraints.

Resource | Policy Notice of Supply Chain Disruption Declaration in Response to the Impact of Discontinued Production of Gerber Good Start Soy Powder Infant Formula

This letter serves as notice to all WIC state agencies that effective May 8, 2024, the Secretary of Agriculture has determined that a Supply Chain Disruption exists in WIC state agencies with Gerber infant formula contracts. The contracted infant formula manufacturer, Gerber, is discontinuing production of their contract brand soy-based powder infant formula, Gerber Good Start Soy.

Resource | Policy Notice of Supply Chain Disruption Declaration in Response to the Impact of Limited Availability of Gerber Good Start SoothePro Powder Infant Formula

This letter serves as notice to all WIC state agencies that effective May 8, 2024, the Secretary of Agriculture has determined that a Supply Chain Disruption exists in WIC state agencies with Gerber infant formula contracts. The contracted infant formula manufacturer, Gerber, issued a letter on April 4, 2024, affirming a limited supply of their contract brand powder infant formula, Gerber Good Start SoothePro.

Resource | Policy Memos WIC Policy Memorandum #2024-3: Implementing ABFA Requirements in WIC State Plans

Effective with the publication of the WIC Final Rule: Implementation of the Access to Baby Formula Act of 2022 and Related Provisions on Dec. 14, 2023, state agencies are now required to include a plan of alternate operating procedures, commonly referred to as a disaster plan, as part of their state plan.

Resource | Policy WPM 2024-2: Vendor Cost Containment Certification Clarification for the Initial Authorization of Above-50-Percent Vendors

This policy memorandum provides clarification to WIC state agencies on the initial authorization of vendors that derive more than 50 percent of their annual food sales revenue from WIC (above-50-percent or A50 vendors) as well as information on the requirements for A50 vendors following authorization. 

Resource | Policy Memos WIC and FMNP: Available Expedited ARPA Waivers and Request Process

This letter provides information to WIC state agencies and WIC Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program state agencies on available American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 waivers and a new state agency request process.

Resource | Guidance Documents Letter to WIC State Agencies on FY 2024 Funding

FNS recently provided WIC state agencies with a pro-rata allocation of funding for the initial weeks of the federal fiscal year. Consistent with past practice, FNS will also provide state agencies with a second allocation, bringing the total first quarter funds provided under the Continuing Resolution to one-third of the anticipated funding need for the year.

Resource | Policy WIC Policy Memo #2024-1: FY 2024 Cash-Value Voucher/Benefit Amounts

This memorandum provides the fiscal year 2024 inflation adjusted monthly cash-value voucher/benefit amounts for fruit and vegetable purchases in WIC, effective Oct. 1, 2023.

Resource | Policy WIC Policy Memorandum #2023-5: Data Sharing to Improve Outreach and Streamline Certification in WIC

This policy memorandum provides guidance on data sharing activities that support targeted outreach and streamlined certification processes aimed at increasing WIC participation and retention. It expresses USDA FNS support of data sharing, provides an overview of data sharing relevant to WIC, summarizes WIC program guidance on sharing confidential WIC participant data, and lays the groundwork for future guidance and resources to help WIC state agencies expand outreach and streamline the
certification process.

Page updated: October 14, 2021