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Resource | Training and Outreach Offer vs Serve Breakfast Program Tip Sheet

This tip sheet was designed for school foodservice professionals to provide an overview of Offer versus Serve guidance for breakfast meal service.

Resource | Training and Outreach Grain-Based Desserts in the CACFP

These worksheets can be used to empower CACFP providers and operators with the knowledge, skills and expertise to implement CACFP meal pattern requirements.

Resource | Training and Outreach Serving Adult Participants in the CACFP

These worksheets can be used to empower Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) providers and operators with the knowledge, skills and expertise to implement CACFP meal pattern requirements. 

Resource | Training and Outreach Using Ounce Equivalents for Grains in CACFP

These worksheets can be used to empower CACFP providers and operators with the knowledge, skills and expertise to implement CACFP meal pattern requirements.

Resource | Training and Outreach Crediting Single-Serving Packages of Grains in the CACFP

These worksheets can be used to empower CACFP providers and operators with the knowledge, skills and expertise to implement CACFP meal pattern requirements. 

Resource | Training and Outreach Determining Ounce Equivalents of Grains in CACFP Recipes

These worksheets can be used to empower CACFP providers and operators with the knowledge, skills and expertise to implement CACFP meal pattern requirements.

Resource | Training and Outreach Adding Whole Grains to Your CACFP Menu

These worksheets can be used to empower Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) providers and operators with the knowledge, skills and expertise to implement CACFP meal pattern requirements.

Resource | Training and Outreach Calculating Ounce Equivalents of Grains in the CACFP

These worksheets can be used to empower CACFP providers and operators with the knowledge, skills and expertise to implement CACFP meal pattern requirements.

Resource | Training and Outreach Is My Recipe Whole Grain-Rich in the CACFP?

These worksheets can be used to empower Child and Adult Care Food Program providers and operators with the knowledge, skills and expertise to implement CACFP meal pattern requirements.

Resource | Training and Outreach Using the WIC Food Lists to Identify Grains for the CACFP

These worksheets can be used to empower Child and Adult Care Food Program providers and operators with the knowledge, skills and expertise to implement CACFP meal pattern requirements.

Page updated: October 14, 2021