Discover MyPlate includes seven emergent readers featuring kindergarten-level sight words that help children build literacy skills while learning about the five food groups and MyPlate.
Three newsletters have been added to the existing collection of Nibbles for Health: Nutrition Newsletters for Parent of Young Children on the topics of added sugars, sodium, and family meals.
A variety of trainings are available on the Food Buying Guide for Child Nutrition Programs. Complete the training modules and view recorded webinars to assist in understanding and using the FBG and all its features.
School meals, and the school nutrition professionals that provide them, help children be strong physically and mentally. Celebrate the school community and promote healthy foods with these fun new school meals materials.
Engage parents in school wellness using this ready-to-go communication tool. This flyer can help parents support the school wellness policy.
Use these as a quick reference and get to know the grains requirements across all the child nutrition programs.
The Crediting Handbook for the Child and Adult Care Food Program reflects the updated CACFP meal pattern requirements, which became effective October 2017.
The meats/meat alternates tip sheet is designed for program operators as a handy and easy-to-use reference on how to credit meats/meat alternates and incorporate them into the meal pattern requirements.
The Emergent Reader: Teacher’s Edition is larger than the emergent reader mini books and is in color. It features all seven of the emergent readers, along with additional activity and discussion ideas.
This educational storybook, available in English and in Spanish, was developed to introduce MyPlate to young children.