USDA’s school meal programs are important to millions of children every school day. These meals give children the healthy food they need to learn, grow, and thrive. Many families will need to fill out an application to find out if they can get free or reduced price meals.
A variety of trainings are available on the Food Buying Guide for Child Nutrition Programs. Complete the training modules and view recorded webinars to assist in understanding and using the FBG and all its features.
School meals, and the school nutrition professionals that provide them, help children be strong physically and mentally. Celebrate the school community and promote healthy foods with these fun new school meals materials.
Project-based learning and technology to engage students in nutrition education while meeting educational standards for English and Health.
In this 6th grade Fueling My Healthy Life lesson plan students explore why eating breakfast matters, what constitutes a balanced breakfast, and how MyPlate can help them make healthy eating choices.
This tri-fold brochure provides information on the Professional Standards Training Tracker Tool (PSTTT). The PSTTT is a free, web-based tool available for school nutrition professionals to record their annually required training hours.
This guide shows how to offer meat and meat alternates at school breakfast with menu planning ideas, crediting information, sample menus, and more.
USDA's Food and Nutrition Service and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics have joined forces to help increase the number of dietetic interns who complete rotations at State agencies administering Child Nutrition Programs.
FNS child nutrition programs (CNP) is hosting three National Procurement Trainings.