This memorandum provides additional clarification on questions received from state agencies and program stakeholders. It also includes guidance on integrity measures for non-congregate meal service operations.
This guidance is intended to assist state agencies and program operators of the Child and Adult Care Food Program and Summer Food Service Program in meeting the longstanding federal requirement to collect race and ethnicity data of program participants.
Questions and answers regarding why the SFSP is important and how it operates.
This guidance updates previously issued Questions and Answers to clarify SFSP requirements. It supersedes SFSP 05-2017, Summer Food Service Program Questions and Answers, Dec. 1, 2016.
The Summer Food for Children Demonstrations are a series of projects to develop and test methods of providing access to food for low-income children in urban and rural areas during the summer months when schools are not in regular session.
On July 7, 2022, the FNS hosted a webinar with the National CACFP Sponsors Association, along with other national allies to discuss the child nutrition program operations for summer 2022. Questions and answers are provided based on the nationwide waiver flexibilities issued through the Keep Kids Fed Act of 2022.
This memorandum provides clarification on questions related to the collection of race or ethnicity data now that visual identification of race and ethnicity is no longer an allowable practice in the Summer Food Service Program and Child and Adult Care Food Program.
This memorandum includes questions and answers intended to provide clarification to state agencies and program operators as they operate the child nutrition programs, including the National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program, NSLP Seamless Summer Option and Child and Adult Care Food Program, during SY 2021-22.
This document provides information to states to assist in the development of state plans to operate Pandemic EBT for school children and children in child care.
This memorandum provides Q&As related to the nationwide waivers released for school year 2021-22 and applies to state agencies administering, and local organizations operating, the National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program, Child and Adult Care Food Program and the NSLP Seamless Summer Option.