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Resource | Research and Data | Report to Congress FDPIR - Findings from the Program Access Quick Response Survey

This report responds to a Congressional directive in the Further Consolidated Appropriations Bill of 2020, tasking the USDA FNS with studying challenges facing FDPIR in reaching underserved populations, specifically homebound and elderly individuals unable to travel to FDPIR distribution locations. The report summarizes findings from a survey of FDPIR program operators about how they serve these populations, challenges encountered, and recommendations for enhancing accessibility for the homebound and elderly.

FNS Program Participation Dashboard

The program participation dashboard is an interactive tool that provides FNS nutrition program data, including participation and meals served, at the state, territory, and national levels. 

Resource | Research and Data | Food/Nutrient Analysis Assessing the Nutritional Quality of the FDPIR Food Package

This analysis helps to estimate the nutritional quality of the 2022 FDPIR food package 'as offered' using the Healthy Eating Index scoring algorithm. This will provide an update to the first HEI estimate of the 2014 FDPIR food package. The project also aims to estimate the HEIs of the food packages 'as delivered' to participants.

Resource | Research and Data Food Distribution Program Tables
Resource | Research and Data | Report to Congress Multi-Agency Task Force to Provide Coordination and Direction for USDA Foods Programs, July 2018 – December 2020

The Agricultural Act of 2014 required the establishment of a Multi-Agency Task Force to provide coordination and direction for USDA Foods administered by FNS. FNS submits this report to the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry and the House of Representatives Committee on Agriculture.

Resource | Research and Data | Report to Congress Multi-Agency Task Force to Provide Coordination and Direction for USDA Foods Programs, January 2021 - July 2022

The Agricultural Act of 2014 required the establishment of a Multi-Agency Task Force to provide coordination and direction for USDA Foods administered by FNS. FNS submits this report covering the period of January 2021 through July 2022 to the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry and the House of Representatives Committee on Agriculture.

Resource | Research and Data Learning Agenda

The FNS Learning Agenda, identifies FNS priorities and the key research and evaluation questions that need to be answered to fully address the agency priorities. 

Resource | Research and Data | General/Other State of Origin for USDA Foods

The State of Origin data report for each fiscal year includes information on states where USDA purchased foods in that year. Learn where your USDA Foods are likely to come from, and what the top food is in your state!

Resource | Research and Data | Food Security Evaluation of Demonstration Projects to End Childhood Hunger (EDECH): Final Interim Evaluation Report

This study—authorized by the 2010 Child Nutrition Act—tests innovative strategies to end childhood hunger and food insecurity. 

Resource | Research and Data | Demonstrations Evaluation of Demonstration Projects to End Childhood Hunger

The 2010 Child Nutrition reauthorization provided funding to test innovative strategies to end childhood hunger and food insecurity. 

Page updated: October 14, 2021