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Resource | Policy Proposed Rule Correction - SNAP Quality Control Review Handbook Incorporation by Reference

This document is a correction of a document published on 01/03/2025.

Resource | Policy Comment Request - Evaluating the Interview Requirement for SNAP Certification

The Evaluating the Interview Requirement for SNAP Certification study will collect information in five states to assess how eliminating interviews affects outcomes, including administrative efficiency, costs, benefit accuracy, and client access.

Resource | Policy Withdrawal - Provisions To Improve SNAP's Quality Control System

FNS is withdrawing the proposed rule titled, “Provisions to Improve the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program's Quality Control System,” that published in the Federal Register on Sept. 19, 2023, and its correction on Dec. 19, 2023.

Resource | Policy Proposed Rule - SNAP QC Review Handbook Incorporation by Reference

USDA is proposing to formally incorporate the FNS Handbook 310 into SNAP regulations. By doing so, it ensures that the public receives a notice and comment period prior to implementation of revisions to the handbook, the standard operating procedure manual for conducting quality control reviews of SNAP cases.

Resource | Policy Information Collection - SNAP Demonstration Projects

This information collection is for activities associated with SNAP demonstration projects and the SNAP State Options Report, respectively.

Resource | Policy Final Rule - SNAP: Program Purpose and Work Requirement Provisions of the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023

The final rule would amend the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program regulations to incorporate three provisions of the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023. This rule also clarifies procedures for when State agencies must screen for exceptions to the time limit and verification requirements for exceptions. 

Resource | Policy Proposed Rule - SNAP: Thrifty Food Plan Cost Adjustment for the Price of Food in Hawaii

This proposed rule would update the method for calculating the Thrifty Food Plan cost adjustment for Hawaii to incorporate food prices from throughout the state of Hawaii rather than from Honolulu alone.

Resource | Policy Comment Request - Assessment of Administrative Costs of Electronic Healthy Incentives Projects

The aim of this study is to calculate the costs of eHIP in three states to determine the startup and ongoing costs of administering incentives to SNAP households through EBT integration and to estimate the cost of administering eHIP at scale.

Resource | Policy Proposed Collection Request for Comments - Guidance for SNAP Certification and Quality Control Interviews Study

This notice invites the general public and other public agencies to comment on this proposed information collection. This is a new information collection for the contract of the study titled Guidance for SNAP Certification and Quality Control Interviews.

Resource | Policy Final Rule - SNAP: Standardization of State Heating and Cooling Standard Utility Allowances

This final rule amends SNAP regulations for calculating standard utility allowances (SUAs) and expands allowable shelter expenses to include basic internet costs. The rule also finalizes updates to the treatment of Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program payments. 

Page updated: October 14, 2021