USDA Foods in Schools product information sheets with description and WBSCM ID for vegetables.
USDA Foods product information sheets containing USDA Foods description and WBSCM ID for fruits.
USDA continues to work with state child nutrition agencies to offer flexibilities in response to public health needs while still promoting nutritious meals during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
FNS is offering this comparison table to assist state agencies and program operators as they transition from operations under COVID-19 nationwide waivers to operations designed around their own unique circumstances.
To help navigate the coming year, FNS is clarifying existing flexibilities available to assist state agencies and local program operators in meeting the unique needs of their communities.
USDA Foods in Schools product information sheets containing USDA Foods description and WBSCM ID for grains.
The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) helps child and adult care institutions and family or group day care homes provide nutritious foods to young children, at-risk youth, and adults who are chronically impaired.
FNS issued eight child nutrition programs off-site monitoring fact sheets to assist states and sponsors in conducting off-site monitoring of child nutrition programs during the pandemic. These documents include a fact sheet that has background information on all programs, as well as separate facts sheets for state and local operators for each program.
CACFP is a federally funded, state-administered program that provides aid to child and adult care centers and day care homes to serve nutritious foods that contribute to the health and wellness of young children and older and chronically impaired adults. Find out more about the adult care component of CACFP and see if your organization can participate!
USDA Foods in Schools Product Information Sheets containing USDA Foods description and WBSCM ID for other foods.