Factsheets are available under the following topics: Farm to School Grant Program, Farm to School Program Resources, Local Food Resources, School Gardens, Farm to School in Tribal Communities, Food Safety, Producers, Farm to Preschool. Farm to Summer, State Agencies and Cooperative Extensions, En Español.
This factsheet provides information on "Standards for the Growing, Harvesting, Packing, and Holding of Produce for Human Consumption.".
This factsheet introduces concepts of Hazard Analysis Risk Based Preventative Control and Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point Plans.
This fact sheet provides information on Good Agricultural Practices, recognized practices intended to prevent the microbial contamination of fresh produce, and how these practices apply to purchasing and growing local food products for farm to school activities.
This fact sheet outlines a number of additional resources for those seeking to directly purchase or raise food products for school nutrition programs.
"Food Safety Frequently Asked Questions: The Food Safety Modernization Act and its Impact on Farm to School Activities": This document includes common questions related to food safety when purchasing locally grown and raised food products directly from producers as well as food safety considerations for edible campus gardens.
The Farm to School Census checklist has suggestions for school food authorities to prepare for the Farm to School Census.
The Farm to School Census is a survey of farm to school activities, including local food procurement and nutrition education. This document provides additional clarification for school food authorities (SFAs) on the Farm to School Census and the data collection process.
This factsheet reviews best practices for producers to learn about how to sell local food to schools.
This fact sheet presents effective strategies for supporting community food systems.