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Basic page Child Nutrition Database

The Child Nutrition Database is a required part of the nutrient analysis software approved by USDA for use in the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program. It is a nutrient database of over 9,000 food items.

Resource | Technical Assistance Reducir los azúcares añadidos en el desayuno escolar

Esta guía de capacitación para profesionales de la nutrición escolar presenta cómo identificar las fuentes de azúcares añadidos y formas de reducir los azúcares añadidos en las comidas del desayuno escolar para cumplir con los límites de azúcares añadidos.

Resource | Technical Assistance Reducing Added Sugars at School Breakfast

This training guide for school nutrition professionals presents how to identify sources of added sugars and ways to reduce added sugars in school breakfast meals.

Resource | Technical Assistance Infant and Toddler Nutrition
Resource | Training and Outreach Family Style Meal Service With Children in the CACFP Training Materials

Support children, train staff, and meet CACFP meal pattern requirements to successfully serve meals “family style” with these new resources.

Resource | Training and Outreach It’s Breakfast Time!

Check out this easy-to-use menu planner and recipe booklet for Child and Adult Care Food Program operators who provide breakfast meals for children 3–18 years of age.

Basic page State Agency

Team Nutrition provides nutrition education, meal pattern training, and technical assistance resources for state agencies administering the USDA child nutrition programs.

Resource | Training and Outreach Offer vs Serve Breakfast Program Tip Sheet

This tip sheet was designed for school foodservice professionals to provide an overview of Offer versus Serve guidance for breakfast meal service.

Resource | Factsheets Offer vs Serve Lunch Program Tip Sheet

This tip sheet was designed for school foodservice professionals to provide an overview of Offer versus Serve guidance for lunch meal service.

Resource | Technical Assistance Offer Versus Serve Materials

These materials can be used as tools to educate students and school nutrition professionals on Offer vs Serve.

Page updated: October 14, 2021