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Resource | Technical Assistance South Dakota SNAP E&T State Plan

This page provides the South Dakota Department of Social Services' SNAP Employment and Training state plan.

Resource | Technical Assistance Minnesota SNAP E&T State Plan

This page provides the Minnesota Department of Children, Youth, and Families' SNAP Employment and Training state plan.

Resource | Technical Assistance Michigan SNAP E&T State Plan

This page provides the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services' SNAP Employment and Training state plan.

Resource | Technical Assistance Indiana SNAP E&T State Plan

This page provides the Indiana Department of Family and Social Service's SNAP Employment and Training state plan.

Resource | Technical Assistance Idaho SNAP E&T State Plan

Each state agency is required to implement an employment and training program for the purpose of assisting members of SNAP households in gaining skills, training, work, or experience that will increase their ability to obtain regular employment and meets state or local workforce needs. All state agencies are required to submit an annual SNAP Employment and Training state plan to FNS.

Resource | Technical Assistance Alaska SNAP E&T State Plan

This page provides the Alaska Department of Health's SNAP Employment and Training state plan.

Resource | Technical Assistance New York SNAP E&T State Plan

The page provides the New York Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance's SNAP E&T state plan.

Resource | Technical Assistance Illinois SNAP E&T State Plan

Each state agency is required to implement an employment and training program for the purpose of assisting members of SNAP households in gaining skills, training, work, or experience that will increase their ability to obtain regular employment and meets state or local workforce needs. All state agencies are required to submit an annual SNAP Employment and Training state plan to FNS.

Basic page SNAP E&T State Plans

Each state agency is required to implement an employment and training program for the purpose of assisting members of SNAP households in gaining skills, training, work, or experience that will increase their ability to obtain regular employment and meets state or local workforce needs. All state agencies are required to submit an annual E&T state plan to FNS for review and approval.

Basic page Territory not participating

The territory you selected is not required to operate a SNAP Employment and Training program.

Page updated: October 14, 2021