List of WIC Management Information System support vendors and Electronic Benefit Transfer processor vendors by state. This list will be updated quarterly.
The checklists provide guidance for preparing and reviewing APDs and related documents. See the APD Handbook, FNS Handbook 901, or the related regulation or requirement for a detailed explanation of the particular item or contact your cognizant FNS regional office.
The System Integrity Review Tool is a valuable instrument for both state agency and federal SNAP staff to evaluate whether a system meets SNAP functional requirements.
State agencies are encouraged to use this as a guidance when planning information systems.
WIC electronic benefit transfer documents and policies for state agency systems.
The CAM Toolkit was made available to federal, state, and local agencies through collaboration among the US Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families and Office of Child Support Enforcement, FNS, and representatives from the States of Kansas and Texas.
FNS performed an inventory of EBT procurements and conducted a few interviews with some States and EBT processors. As a results, we developed a technical assistance document with lessons learned and best practices on EBT re-procurements.