This webinar provides an overview of the Tribal Pilot Projects Request for Information. This webinar recording is captioned in English.
Grant recipients just announced! Over $8.6 million awarded to eleven state agencies.
This webinar reviewed the Buy American provision including information related to new regulations, the recently published memo, Buy American Provisions Related to the Final Rule Titled, Child Nutrition Programs: Meal Patterns Consistent With the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, and the optional Buy American Exceptions tracker.
USDA’s school meal programs are important to millions of children every school day. These meals give children the healthy food they need to learn, grow, and thrive. Many families will need to fill out an application to find out if they can get free or reduced price meals.
This training series is designed to assist school food authorities, state agencies, and others in implementing the updated nutrition standards for school meals.
You are invited to share these messages and resources about how school meals help empower children to grow, learn and thrive.
Back to school means back to tasty, healthy meals served to nearly 30 million children every school day.
This webinar gives a brief introduction to the paid lunch equity requirement followed by a walk-through of the school year 2024-25 paid lunch equity tool.
This webinar gives a brief overview of the school meal program review cycle provision that was codified through the Child Nutrition Program Integrity final rule and the requirements for state agencies electing to conduct school meal program administrative reviews on a 4- or 5-year cycle.
National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program sodium limits and timeline