This webinar gives a brief introduction to the paid lunch equity requirement followed by a walk-through of the school year 2024-25 paid lunch equity tool.
This letter serves as notice to all WIC state agencies that effective Aug. 6, 2024, the Secretary of Agriculture has reaffirmed that a supply chain disruption exists in WIC state agencies with Gerber infant formula contracts.
The Child Nutrition rule, “Child Nutrition Programs: Community Eligibility Provision—Increasing Options for Schools (RIN 0584-AE93)” amends the regulations associated with the School Meals Program, which consists of the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program.
This memorandum provides the FY 2025 Cost-of-Living Adjustments to the SNAP maximum allotments, income eligibility standards, and deductions. Under the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008, COLAs are effective as of Oct. 1, 2024.
In cooperation with FNS, the Intertribal Agriculture Council, will explore how farm to school programs can better support Indigenous Food Sovereignty efforts with American Indian/Alaskan Native youth and producers.
In partnership with FNS, the National Farm to School Network, held a series of facilitated learning sessions called the Racial Equity Learning Lab.
In cooperation with FNS, the Urban School Food Alliance, will train school districts on how to buy fresh, healthy food. This cooperative agreement builds on USFA’s existing efforts to strengthen and streamline food procurement practices for school districts of all sizes.
In cooperation with FNS, the National Farm to School Network, will create the Fundamentals of Farm to School for Government Agencies. This project will train people who work in non-profit and government settings (like state governmental agencies, state-level networks, agricultural extensions) who support farm to school.
In cooperation with FNS, Association of State Public Health Nutritionists will administer the first Farm to Child and Adult Care Food Program Institute and Learning Collaborative, called FARMWISE, to advance Farm to CACFP efforts.
In cooperation with FNS, the Shelburne Farms Institute for Sustainable Schools is hosting the Farm to School Institute Adaptation Program. This program will teach state teams to host their own farm to school institutes. These institutes teach schools and childcare operators how to create and sustain farm to school programs.