This page provides the Alaska Department of Health's SNAP Employment and Training state plan.
The page provides the New York Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance's SNAP E&T state plan.
Each state agency is required to implement an employment and training program for the purpose of assisting members of SNAP households in gaining skills, training, work, or experience that will increase their ability to obtain regular employment and meets state or local workforce needs. All state agencies are required to submit an annual SNAP Employment and Training state plan to FNS.
Each state agency is required to implement an employment and training program for the purpose of assisting members of SNAP households in gaining skills, training, work, or experience that will increase their ability to obtain regular employment and meets state or local workforce needs. All state agencies are required to submit an annual E&T state plan to FNS for review and approval.
The Evaluating the Interview Requirement for SNAP Certification study will collect information in five states to assess how eliminating interviews affects outcomes, including administrative efficiency, costs, benefit accuracy, and client access.
FNS is withdrawing the proposed rule titled, “Provisions to Improve the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program's Quality Control System,” that published in the Federal Register on Sept. 19, 2023, and its correction on Dec. 19, 2023.
USDA is proposing to formally incorporate the FNS Handbook 310 into SNAP regulations. By doing so, it ensures that the public receives a notice and comment period prior to implementation of revisions to the handbook, the standard operating procedure manual for conducting quality control reviews of SNAP cases.
On Dec. 21, 2024, President Biden signed into law the American Relief Act, 2025. This memorandum is intended to clarify the impact of the continuing resolution on upcoming SNAP benefit issuance.
This memo provides clarification on the application of Sections 751 and 752 of the FNS Handbook 310. The clarifications reflect long-standing review procedures and information previously provided in response to policy inquiries and during trainings.
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this notice invites the general public and other public agencies to comment on this proposed information collection. This collection is a new collection.