We recently received an inquiry regarding the appropriate interpretation of that the portion of Section 226.6(d)(3) f the CACFP) regulations that reads “Licensing or approval is not available when (i) no federal, state or local licensing/approval standards have been established for child care centers, outside-school-hours care centers, or day care homes; or (ii) no mechanism exists to determine compliance with licensing approval standards.”
Attached is the third set of questions and answers on the two-tiered reimbursement structure for family day care homes in the CACFP. Also attached are: (1) “Enrollment and Attendance List Examples”; and (2) “Computing Reimbursement for a Tier H Mixed Home.”
Attached is the third set of questions and answers on the two-tiered reimbursement structure for family day care homes in the CACFP. Also attached are: (1) “Enrollment and Attendance List Examples”; and (2) “Computing Reimbursement for a Tier H Mixed Home.”
The purpose of the Child and Adult Care Food Program, as set forth by the National School Lunch Act, is to provide meal assistance in nonresidential child care situations.
Section 17(a) of the National School Lunch Act limits participation in the Child and Adult Care Food Program to nonresidential institutions providing child care.
PIRS (Policy Interpretation Response System) Memo 85-05 deals primarily with funding aspects of state food stamp investigations, as its title indicates.
This Instruction sets forth the policy with respect to reimbursement of meals consumed off-site under the National School Lunch, Commodity School, and School Breakfast Programs.
Memo on physical or mental disability qualification for SNAP student eligibility policy.
A state agency may make payment for meals served in accordance with provisions of the program in the calendar month preceding the calendar month in which the agreement is executed. This provision applies only to center programs and to home programs which are renewing their agreements. The agreements of new home sponsoring organizations may not be backdated.
This notice reminds state agencies of the requirements of the Food Stamp Program regulations and suggests guidelines for development of standard utility and/or telephone allowances by presenting examples of some of the methodologies used by states to develop these allowances.