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Resource | Policy Requirement to Accept Medical Statements from Registered Dietitians for Schools and Child and Adult Care Institutions and Facilities

On April 25, 2024, FNS published the final rule, Child Nutrition Programs: Meal Patterns Consistent With the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans that included minor updates to CACFP and SFSP to better align child nutrition program requirements. These updates represent continued progress toward supporting the nutritional quality of school meals, strengthening the CNPs, and advancing USDA’s commitment to nutrition security. 

SP 07-2025, CACFP 07-2025
Resource | Policy FD-069: Eligibility of ITOs and other Tribal Entities to Participate in TEFAP (Revised)

This memorandum provides guidance regarding the eligibility of ITOs and other Tribal entities to participate in TEFAP and to outline several best practices for working with ITOs and other Tribal entities in TEFAP.

Resource | Policy Use of Banked Human Breastmilk in WIC

This memorandum revises and replaces WIC Policy Memorandum #2000-2, Use of Banked Human Breast Milk in the WIC Program, issued Feb. 28, 2000.

WPM 2025-3
Resource | Policy Non-Congregate Meal Service in Rural Areas: Q&As #3

This memorandum provides additional clarification on questions received from state agencies and program stakeholders. It also includes guidance on integrity measures for non-congregate meal service operations. 

SFSP 03-2025, SP 08-2025
Resource | Policy SNAP Benefit Issuance and the American Relief Act, 2025

On Dec. 21, 2024, President Biden signed into law the American Relief Act, 2025. This memorandum is intended to clarify the impact of the continuing resolution on upcoming SNAP benefit issuance.

Resource | Policy SNAP QC Procedural Clarifications for the use of Sections 751 and 752 in the FNS Handbook 310

This memo provides clarification on the application of Sections 751 and 752 of the FNS Handbook 310. The clarifications reflect long-standing review procedures and information previously provided in response to policy inquiries and during trainings.

Resource | Policy SNAP Sunset of Replacement of Stolen Benefits Plans

SNAP benefits that are stolen on or after Dec. 21, 2024, are not eligible for replacement using federal funds. SNAP state agencies can choose to replace stolen benefits using state funds. There is no guarantee that state-funded replacements would be retroactively reimbursed with federal funds. 

Resource | Policy SNAP - Q&A #1 for the Program Purpose and Work Requirement Provisions of the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 Final Rule

FNS is issuing this set of questions and answers to clarify questions concerning the provisions of the Dec. 17, 2024, final rule, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: Program Purpose and Work Requirement Provisions of the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023. FNS expects these questions and answers will assist SNAP state agencies in implementing and complying with SNAP policy, especially able-bodied adults without dependents time limit policy.

Resource | Policy Questions and Answers Concerning the Implementation of Regulatory Changes to Standard Utility Allowances (SUAs)

This memorandum covers questions related to provisions in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: Standardization of Heating and Cooling Standard Utility Allowances rule and the implementation process. FNS plans to publish additional question and answer guidance in the following months.

Resource | Policy Confidentiality Protections in TEFAP

This policy memorandum provides guidance for TEFAP state agencies on requirements related to protecting the confidentiality of TEFAP applicant and participant information and the identity of individuals making a complaint or allegation against an individual participating in or administering the program.

Page updated: October 14, 2021