This memorandum provides updated guidance on feeding infants and the infant meal pattern requirements.
This memorandum explains the grain requirements for the Child and Adult Care Food Program and includes questions and answers. This memorandum supersedes CACFP 09-2018, Grain Requirements in the Child and Adult Care Food Program; Questions and Answers, published April 4, 2018.
This memorandum details the nutrition requirements for fluid milk and fluid milk substitutes in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) and includes a series of frequently asked questions and answers. This memorandum supersedes CACFP 17-2016, Nutrition Requirements for Fluid Milk and Fluid Milk Substitutions in the Child and Adult Care Food Program, Questions and Answers, July 14, 2016.
The purpose of this memorandum is to outline the use of Offer Versus Serve in the adult day care and at-risk afterschool settings, as well as the use of family style meals in the Child and Adult Care Food Program.
El Programa de Alimentos para Niños y Adultos (CACFP) del Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos (USDA) provee fondos para programas que sirven comida y/o meriendas a niños y adolescentes en áreas de bajos ingresos después del horario escolar. Hay varias formas para que las organizaciones locales puedan participar del Servicio de Alimentos del CACFP para niños en riesgo después de la escuela.
This map displays census data and can be used for tiering of participating CACFP day care homes and eligibility of SFSP summer sites.
This guidance is intended to assist state agencies and program operators of the Child and Adult Care Food Program and Summer Food Service Program in meeting the longstanding federal requirement to collect race and ethnicity data of program participants.
The CACFP meal patterns lay the foundation for a healthy eating pattern for children and adults in care. USDA also developed optional best practices that build on the meal patterns and highlight areas where centers and day care homes may take additional steps to further improve the nutritional quality of the meals they serve.
Geographic Preference Option Questions and Answers
This guide informs small entities participating in child nutrition programs about the final rule, Child Nutrition Programs: Meal Patterns Consistent With the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, and how to comply with it. This guide does not include any new requirements; it just summarizes existing guidance related to the final rule.