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Resource | Federal Register Notices Final Rule: Child Nutrition Programs - CEP Increasing Options for Schools

This final rule amends the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) regulations by lowering the minimum identified student percentage (ISP) from 40 percent to 25 percent. 

Resource | Policy Community Eligibility Provision: Implementing the New Minimum Identified Student Percentage

This guidance applies to state agencies and local educational agencies administering the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program. This guidance provides information on the final rule, Child Nutrition Programs: Community Eligibility Provision – Increasing Options for School.

Resource | Policy Initial Implementation Memo: Child Nutrition Program Integrity Final Rule

This memorandum provides initial implementation guidance for the Child Nutrition Program Integrity Final Rule. This memorandum applies to state agencies administering and school food authorities, institutions and sponsors implementing the NSLP, SBP, CACFP, and SFSP.

Resource | Policy Memos Approved Levels of Meals for Vended Sites in the Summer Food Service Program

This memo provides guidance for establishing an approved level of meals, also known as “site caps”. This guidance is designed to assist state agencies with establishing the initial maximum and the maximum approved levels of meals of SFSP sites serving meals prepared by food service management companies, known as “vended sites.” This memo also provides guidance on seeking upward or downward adjustments of the site cap based upon information collected during site reviews by the sponsor and/or state agency.

Resource | Policy Memos Initial Site Visits in the Summer Food Service Program

This guidance memo addresses sponsors’ monitoring requirements of its sites and food service operations in the SFSP. This guidance applies to sponsors’ management responsibilities of conducting initial site visits and full reviews of food service, including visits of non-congregate rural meal sites.

Resource | Policy Memos Guidance on Site Selection Criteria during Reviews in the SFSP

Guidance for state agencies to develop criteria for site selection for monitoring reviews in the Summer Food Service Program.

Resource | Policy Memos Revised Prototype Free and Reduced Price Application for SY 2017-2018

Attached to this memorandum, please find a revised edition of the Prototype Application for Free and Reduced Price School Meals, with an accompanying instructions document. These materials may be adapted for direct use by state and local agencies, or as a reference for designing an effective application packet that meets all statutory and regulatory requirements. 

Resource | Policy Memos Best Practices for Contracting with Food Service Management Companies

This memorandum provides additional procurement-related technical assistance and information for state agencies and school food authorities to consider when entering into and executing contracts with Food Service Management Companies.

Resource | Policy Memos Paid Lunch Equity: Guidance for SY 2023-24

The purpose of this memorandum is to provide guidance to state agencies and school food authorities on the paid lunch equity requirements for school year 2023-24. It explains the exemption provided in the Consolidated Appropriations Act 2023 and provides guidance for SFAs that do not qualify for the exemption, including those who may be returning to PLE requirements for the first time in a few years.

Resource | Federal Register Notices Proposed Rule: Child Nutrition Programs Community Eligibility Provision - Increasing Options for Schools

This rulemaking proposes to expand access to the Community Eligibility Provision by lowering the minimum identified student percentage participation threshold from 40 percent to 25 percent, which would give states and schools greater flexibility to choose to invest non-federal funds to offer no-cost meals to all enrolled students.

Page updated: October 14, 2021