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Resource | Training and Outreach Community Eligibility Provision Fact Sheet

The Community Eligibility Provision is a National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program meal service option that allows schools and school districts located in high poverty areas to offer breakfast and lunch at no cost to all enrolled students.

Resource | Factsheets Hoja de consejos de OVS para el almuerzo

Esta hoja de consejos fue diseñada para proporcionarles a los profesionales del servicio de alimentos de la escuela un resumen de las guías de Ofrecer versus Servir para el servicio de almuerzo.

Resource | Factsheets Offer vs Serve Lunch Program Tip Sheet

This tip sheet was designed for school foodservice professionals to provide an overview of Offer versus Serve guidance for lunch meal service.

Resource | Factsheets USDA Foods in Schools Product Information Sheets - Vegetables

USDA Foods in Schools product information sheets with description and WBSCM ID for vegetables. 

Resource | Factsheets USDA Foods in Schools Product Information Sheets - Fruits

USDA Foods product information sheets containing USDA Foods description and WBSCM ID for fruits. 

Resource | Factsheets USDA Foods in Schools Product Information Sheets - Meat/Meat Alternates

USDA Foods in Schools Foods product information sheets containing USDA Foods description and WBSCM ID for meat/meat alternates. 

Resource | Factsheets Flyer for Households to Encourage School Meal Enrollment

For the 2023-24 school year, many families will need to fill out an application to find out if they can get free or reduced price meals.

Resource | Factsheets Child Nutrition Programs During Disaster

Natural disasters, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods, can be devastating to communities and require a quick response. Schools, child care centers, and summer sites that operate the National School Lunch and School Breakfast programs, the Child and Adult Care Food Program, or the Summer Food Service Program can help minimize disruptions to your family.

Resource | Factsheets Professional Standards Summary of Updates Flyer

The Professional Standards Summary of Updates flyer provides an overview of the professional standards requirements which consist of hiring standards and annual training requirements for state directors of school nutrition programs, state director of distributing agencies, school nutrition program directors, managers, and staff.

Resource | Factsheets Boletín de resumen de las actualizaciones de los estándares profesionales

El boletín de resumen de las actualizaciones de los estándares profesionales proporciona un informe acerca de los requisitos de los estándares profesionales e incluye los criterios de contratación y los requisitos de capacitación anual para directores estatales de programas de nutrición escolar, directores estatales de agencias distribuidoras, directores de programas de nutrición escolar, gerentes y personal.

Page updated: October 14, 2021