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Resource | Grants FY 2023 WIC Modernization Grant – Notice of Funding Availability

As part of the WIC innovation and modernization efforts to be funded under ARPA, FNS is supporting planning and implementation projects focused on enhancements that improve the WIC participant experience, as evidenced by enhancing the WIC shopping experience, increasing participant enrollment, reducing unnecessary administrative burden for both participants and administrators, including through data matching to streamline enrollment, and retaining eligible participants while improving equity

Resource | Grants FY 2023-24 FMNP e-Solution Grant: Notice of Funding Availability

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 provided USDA with $390 million, available through FY 2024, to carry out outreach, innovation, and program modernization efforts to increase participation and redemption of benefits for both the WIC program and the WIC Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program.

Resource | Training and Outreach FY 2022 ARPA WIC Technology/Service Delivery Improvement: Communications, Data, and Metrics Grant

In FY 2022, FNS awarded $23,100,000.00 in grants to 66 WIC state agencies to support planning and implementation of projects to improve the WIC participant experience. State agencies each received $350,000.00 in funding to work on multiple types of projects.

Resource | Training and Outreach FY 2022 WIC Shopping Experience Improvement Grant Project Summaries

FNS awarded grants to WIC state agencies to tackle the WIC shopping experience from every angle—from improving in store signage and cashier training, to working toward online shopping.

Resource | Grants USDA Rural Child Poverty Nutrition Center Grants 2016

The USDA Rural Child Poverty Nutrition Center at the University of Kentucky awarded $1.3 million in grants to help reduce child food insecurity by improving coordination among child nutrition programs in 17 rural communities.

Resource | Grants WIC Model RFA Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer for Children

Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer for Children, WIC Model Summer 2012, Demonstrations, Request for Application (RFA)

Page updated: October 14, 2021